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Messages with tag - jesus christ

Are You Wise Or Foolish - Parables of Jesus
Duration: 1 hr 7 mins 18 secs
Why five wise and five foolish virgins? Why five? "Are You Wise or Foolish"? Bible study with Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor. Pathway to Peace Ministries #parablesofjesus #wiseorfoolish Powerful conclusion of the parables of Jesus Series. #christobjectlessons
Asking To Give, Not Asking to Take - 28 Parables of Jesus Series
Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 31 secs
"Asking To Give, Not Asking to Take!" - 28 Parables of Jesus Series. Another powerful Sermon Bible Study by Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Learn how to pray to get results! What is the main purpose of prayer? #askingtogive #powerofprayer #whydoyoupray #howtopray
Hidden Treasures
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins
"Hidden Treasures" sermon by Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Another thought provoking Sermon Bible Study: 28 Parables of Jesus Series to prepare you for the second coming of Jesus. #28parablesofJesus #hiddentreasures #ChristObjectLessons #areyouinthefield
More Lessons From Sowing Seed and Stupid Man
Duration: 1 hr 50 mins 19 secs
"More Seed Lessons and the Stupid Rich Man" sermon by Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Powerful Sermon Bible Study: 28 Parables of Jesus Series to prepare you for the second coming of Jesus. #28parablesofJesus #stupidrichman #ChristObjectLessons #stophoarding
Sower, Seed, and Soil
Duration: 1 hr 34 mins 13 secs
"Sower, Seed, and Soil" sermon by Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace. Deep study on the reason why Jesus used parables and spiritual lessons of the power of the seed: 28 Parables of Jesus Series to prepare you for the second coming of Jesus. #28parablesofJesus #sowerseedsoil #powerofaseed #lawofsowingandreaping #ChristObjectLessons
Day 24 Lesson 24: 360 to 365 Days! - MORE EVIDENCE OF GOD
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 30 secs
Day 24 Lesson 24: 360 to 365 Days! Bible Prophecy Boot Camp study with Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Conclusion of the Forgotten Commandment and the Mark of the Beast Crisis book! Awesome study on the power and evidence of God! You will love. #360to365 #markofthebeastcrisis #Godcontrolstime #signofGodspower #bibleprophecy #theforgottencommandment
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins 27 secs
What signs has God revealed to us and what is His message? What message of love is He giving to the LGBT group, thieves, murders, and gossipers. Speaker: Cary Rodgers at Pathway to Peace Ministries
Day 22 Lesson 22 Patient Obedient and Faithful
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 41 secs
Day 22 Lesson 22 Patient Obedient and Faithful - Third Angel Message for the Remnant - Bible Prophecy Boot Camp with Cary Rodgers, Jr. pastor or Pathway to Peace Ministries. Great study for the faithful. #bibleprophecybootcamp #markofthebeastt #tencommandments #iamwithyou #bibleprophecy #patience #tribulation
Day 18 Lesson 18 - The Mark Of The Beast Crisis Revealed - PART 1
Duration: 1 hr 9 mins 25 secs
Day 18 Lesson 18 - The Mark Of The Beast Crisis Revealed - PART 1 - Bible Prophecy Boot Camp with Cary Rodgers, Jr, pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Powerful study on Bible prophecy. MORE evidence on the mark of the beast and what it is. Share Share Share #bibleprophecybootcamp #bibleprophecy #markofthebeast
Day 15 Lesson 15 - Image Of The BEAST & The Lamb-Like Beast with Two Horns
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 27 secs
Day 15 Lesson 15 - Image Of The BEAST & The Lamb-Like Beast with Two Horns - Bible Prophecy Boot Camp with Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Who is the image of the beast and the lamb-like beast in Bible prophecy and how do they influence the world? Powerful bible study. Share share share #bibleprophecybootcamp #bibleprophecy #imageofthebeast