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Messages with tag - jesus christ

Feast Of Unleaven Bread Part 2 - Awesome study concludes.
Duration: 28 mins 45 secs
Part 2 continuation. Study study study for yourself. Learn more about the feast of unleaven bread. Speaker, Cary Rodgers, Pathway to Peace Ministries
THE CLEANSING & GLORY ROOM? Veil And Most Holy Place Part 2
Duration: 28 mins 45 secs
Wow. More powerful lessons from the sanctuary continues. Veil and the Most Holy Place Part 2. How does the veil and the Most Holy Place teach us how to have victory over sin. Speaker: Cary Rodgers at Pathway to Peace Ministries
HOLY PLACE PASSPORT? Veil And Most Holy Place Part 1
Duration: 28 mins 45 secs
Veil and Most Holy Place Part 1. What does the veil represent that separates the holy from the most holy place? Plus more powerful lessons on how to have victory in the sanctuary. Speaker: Cary Rodgers at Pathway to Peace Ministries
Duration: 28 mins 45 secs
Here is the answer. Powerful. Victory over sin in the sanctuary continues. Study friends. Study the sanctuary. Let's continue in the holy place. Speaker: Cary Rodgers at Pathway to Peace Ministries
A WIFE AND MISTRESS IN THE SAME HOUSE!?! Introduction Part 2 - Victory In The Sanctuary
Duration: 28 mins 45 secs
Introduction Part 2 Victory in the Sanctuary Series continues. Can a wife and a mistress live in the same house! So how can God and sin dwell in the same house. Let's learn more of why God build the sanctuary in the desert? Part 2 of the Introduction of Victory in the Sanctuary. Very powerful series of a detail study of the Bible sanctuary message for these last days. Done at Pathway to Peace Ministries. Speaker: Cary Rodgers
TRUE OR FALSE PROPHET? You better know the difference! Gift of Prophecy Restored
Duration: 1 hr 44 mins 42 secs
Mountain of Truth Series: The Gift of Prophecy Restored. Does God still use prophets? Is the gift of prophecy still active in God's church today? What are the tests of a true vs false prophet? Here is the truth. It's study time. Speaker: Cary Rodgers, Pathway to Peace Ministries.
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 55 secs
Deception is happening now. A new organization has been formed. Are you in it? Will you be taken or left? Deep study on Matthew 24. It may surprise you. Speaker: Cary Rodgers, Pathway to Peace Ministries
Seventh Day Sabbath BIBLE PROOF & PAPAL ROME AGREES!!! The Forgotten Blessing
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 25 secs
The 7th Day Bible Sabbath is clearly proven from the Bible even Papal Rome agrees! If you believe God's Word, you MUST study this subject out! You may be missing the greatest blessing of your life. This subject is ALL about who you truly worship. There has been a breach in God's wall of TRUTH. What is that breach? Will you be a repairer of that breach? Speaker: Cary Rodgers, Pathway to Peace Ministries
WAKE UP - No Distinction From The World
Duration: 4 mins 19 secs
Is there any distinction from the postmodern church and the world? Does Jesus call for His church to be distinct from the world? What is the condition of the modern Laodicean church? Is this just a sign of the times that Jesus Is coming again? Have church schools and institutions, including church hospitals adapted the things of the world? It is very obvious that we need a revival and reformation. More information
Duration: 1 hr 41 mins 41 secs
There is much talk about climate change. But what about the climate change that has happen in the corporate SDA churches? Of course we are not talking about the weather outside but on the inside? Andrews University latest document on homosexuality plus more. Speaker: Cary Rodgers at Pathway to Peace Ministries