Carlene and Elene "Mommy" Rodgers
Mother and Daughter team Co-Authors Book
That Charts Time Through the Bible
-authorCarlene Rodgers, who has a love for the everlasting gospel and playing Godly music using the piano, violin, harp, and voice, coed, "The Evidence" with her mother Elene Rodgers. They put in several hours a day for many months in Bible study and research for this book. Elene Rodgers the co-founder of Pathway to Peace Ministries says, “The project first started with just charting the age of the earth, but as we charted we learned so much more and wanted to share with others in a book format.” One of the main purposes of “The Evidence” is to help the reader, not only chart the age of the earth but to also understand “the timing of significant biblical events, prophecies given and the timing of their fulfillment, and to see how history corresponds with the Bible,” according to the book’s description.
The mother daughter team are not only involved in publication and book sharing evangelism but they are also health and plant based cooking class instructors at Pathway to Peace Ministries for the past 10 years. They are excited about being used by God and the great blessings that people will receive by reading and studying, “The Evidence.”
“The Evidence” is available as a free download at or a physical color copy of the book can be purchased at