Are You Watching and Praying?

Prophecies Are Rapidly Being Fulfilled!

By Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor

ProphecyRapidBible prophecy is quickly being fulfilled in rapid succession. End time prophecy is being fulfilled one after another. Jesus is urgently letting His people know how soon His coming will be. “Soon” is no longer just a hope or a distant reality, it is right upon us. Even though it is impossible to know the exact day and hour of Jesus coming at this time, we are instructed by Jesus that we need to carefully “watch and pray” and when know His coming is “even at the doors.” (see Luke 21:35 & Matthew 24:33).

“Though no man knoweth the day nor the hour of His coming, we are instructed and required to know when it is near. We are further taught that to disregard His warning, and refuse or neglect to know when His advent is near, will be as fatal for us as it was for those who lived in the days of Noah not to know when the flood was coming.” - Ellen White, Great Controversy, p. 370

The progression and convergence of all the fulfilled end time prophecies in our current generation is not by coincidence. This fast progression and convergence of fulfilled prophecy is revealing to us that we can appropriately say that we are extremely close to the mark of the beast crisis, intense persecution of the true remnant, the loud cry, and the latter rain experience.

 Let’s highlight the progression and convergence of fast fulfilling Bible prophecies in the past four years, 2015 to 2018. This will be an excellent study reference to keep handy. Make sure you study the Bible and current events references to this article in their entirety to get a full understanding and clarity of fulfilled Bible prophecy.

Increase and Acceptance of Homosexuality (LGBTQ) - In Ezekiel chapter 8 God exposed the abominations that the priests and church leaders where doing in the temple of God in Jerusalem to the prophet Ezekiel. These abominations included idol worship, women weeping from Tammuz, and greatest abomination was sun worship in the house of God (see Ezekiel 8:5 - 15). The idol worship that Israel celebrated involved very lewd sexual behavior including homosexuality. Based on the Biblical historical examples of Sodom, Gomorrah, and other Canaan nations, an increase and boldness of homosexuality was followed by God’s judgments that destroyed them. (see also Leviticus 18:22 - 30)

In the last days there will be an increase of homosexuality before sun worship, the greatest abomination. In other words, before the enforcement of Sunday laws, the abomination of homosexuality (LGBTQ) will become more prominent and accepted by society and mainstream church denominations in which “God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly...” - Romans 1:25 – 27 (also see Jude 1:7).

The following are current events that point to an increase and acceptance of homosexuality (LGBTQ). On June 26, 2015 same sex marriage was deemed legal in the United States by the Supreme Court. After that many nations followed the led of the United States. In 2015 throughout 2018 the homosexual (LGBTQ) movement has grown exponentially around the world and in many church denominations including the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Over recent years the Adventist church has became more supportive of homosexuality. For example since 2012 LGBTQ propaganda films such as “Seventh Gay Adventist” by Stephen Eyers and Daneen Akers were shown in many SDA venues and churches through North America with over 60 screenings.1, 2 This film was designed to affirm, normalize, and accept homosexuality (LGBTQ) within Adventism. It received support and rave reviews by prominent Adventist such as the former editor of the "Adventist Review" and "Adventist World," William G. Johnsson.3 October 2015, General Conference’s Biblical Research Institute, and theological seminary at Andrews University, North American Division, and Michigan Conference endorsed the seminary’s position paper, “An Understanding of Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care,” which said that “non-practicing gay persons should be welcomed into membership and church office.” The document was a mixture of truth mixed with abominable error. They wrote that “we strongly affirm that homosexual persons have a place in the Seventh-day Adventist Church” and that “recent literature denies the possibility that gay and lesbian persons can be changed, and even claims that change attempts are harmful.”4 By the way there is no such thing as a “nonpracticing” homosexual, that is an oxymoron. The Adventist seminary’s document has opened up a flood gate of openness and acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism among Adventist churches and its universities over the past four years. For example in December 2015, Hollywood SDA Church proudly and publicly announced it first transgender ordained elder and sabbath school teacher.5 In the same month the pastor of Palm Springs SDA church coordinated a concert that featured the Palm Springs Gay Choir.6 The SDA church officials, leaders, and popular Adventist preachers did not even blush nor speak out against these abominations. Instead of speaking up against it many have chosen to support it! Why? Like the vision given in Ezekiel 8, many of the leaders and church officials are involved in homosexuality and the LGBTQ lifestyle in the “dark.”7

 EU and BREXIT - The Bible in Daniel 2:43 prophesied that Europe, the iron mixed with clay on Nebuchadnezzar’s image, will unify as one, but will not be able to “cleave one to another.” Not long after they began breaking up verse 44 says “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”

The following are the current events that point to the fulfillment of Daniel 2:43, 44. The unity described in Daniel 2:43 between the European nation has happened in our modern times known as the European Union (EU). The constitutional basis of the EU came into force in 2009. The EU is a political and economic union with an open trade, a legislative body, common currency, and open boarders between 28 member nations that covers about 2 million square miles with an estimated population of over 510 million people.8 In the 2000’s the EU grew into a great world power. The EU’s parliament building in Strasbourg, France intentionally mimics the unfinished tower of Babel. In one of their promotional posters it has a picture of an unfinished tower of Babel and says “Europe, many tongues one voice.” This was an obvious mockery of Genesis 11:6 -9. The EU thought they were going to defy God and His Bible prophecy! It looked like the EU would never crumble anytime soon. BUT in June 2016 the EU shook greatly and started cracking. The citizens of the largest member of the EU, the United Kingdom, voted to break away known as BREXIT. Since then, other EU member nations are making some of the same rumblings. The major BREXIT EU breakup is due to be officially complete by March of 2019.

Covenant with the Abomination of Desolation - Jesus says in Matthew 24:15, “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)” The abomination of desolation is referring to the Papacy. “Stand” in this context according to Strong’s Greek dictionary is referring to a covenant or agreement. “Holy place” in the Greek context is referring to a sacred or ceremonially consecrated spot. In the Hebrew, “holy” here is referring to a ceremonially consecrated feast day involving a victim. Passover, the 14th day of Nisan (Hebrew Calendar), stands as a monument of the everlasting covenant of Jesus. The following were all on this self-same day: Abraham officially received the everlasting covenant from God (Genesis 17:1-7; Exodus 12:40, 41; Galatians 3:16-18) Israel was set free from Egyptian bondage (Exodus 12:51); the sanctuary service began in the wilderness (Numbers 9:1-5, 15, 16); Israel entered into the Canaan land (Joshua 5:10-12); and Jesus was crucified (Matthew 26:2). Jesus is the Passover Lamb that died for the sins of the world. The Passover type, met the Passover anti-type, Jesus. Even though Passover has been fulfilled at the cross and its services ceased, it stands as a consecrated day that commemorates the innocent Lamb, Jesus Christ and His everlasting covenant to the world.

The abomination of desolation spoken by Daniel in Matthew 24:15 refers us back to Daniel 12:11. The Papacy will be set up over a worldwide governing body that will later enforce Sunday laws and persecute God’s true remnant.

The following are current events that point to the fulfillment of Daniel 12:11 and Matthew 24:15. In May of 2015, Pope Francis’ released his solution to climate change with the release of the much anticipated encyclical entitled Laudato Si’, On Care For Common Home. Its release was designed to have a direct impact on the United Nation’s international meeting on climate change in Paris, France.9, 10 As a solution to climate change and worldwide poverty, Francis encyclical zealously promotes the papacy’s blasphemous Eucharist (mass) and Sunday sacredness with “one authoritative source of oversight and coordination” to lay “down rules for the admissible conduct in the light of the common good.”11 Copies of the Laudato Si’ went to world leaders and the negotiators of the Paris Agreement. The Laudato Si’ was used as one of the main sources in the negotiation and the formation of the Paris Agreement.

The once elusive climate change deal of the century was reached in Paris at the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on December 12, 2015. On April 22, 2016, 175 nations signed the Paris Agreement at a signing ceremony at the UN Headquarters in New York.

What makes this Paris Agreement signing ceremony prophetically significant is that April 22, 2016 was also Passover (The 14th day of Nisan). It was the exact same day, 1,985 years ago, that the Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ, ratified the true covenant with His blood. The Paris Agreement led by the papacy, the abomination of desolation, was “covenanted”, officially agreed upon, on a ceremonially consecrated day, Passover.

Another word for “agreement” is covenant. The Paris Agreement is more than just an “agreement” or “pledge”. It is a legally binding and “spiritual” covenant led by the abomination of desolation in defiance of God’s everlasting covenant. The Secretary-General of the UN at the time of the signing, Ban Ki-moon, told all nations during the signing ceremony, “Today we are signing a new covenant for the future.”12

 On August 10, 1793 the new revolutionary French government totally rejected the God of Heaven and His everlasting covenant during the French Convention in Paris and enthroned the Goddess of Reason. On April 22, 2016, in Paris the world rejected God’s Word and His everlasting covenant and enthroned the doctrines of the abomination of desolation.

After the Paris Agreement was ratified it went into force on November 4, 2016. There are those in the legal sector that have studied the Paris Agreement and conclude that it is a legally binding worldwide governing body.13 In Obama’s last speech to the UN on September 20, 2016, before the Paris Agreement went into force said, “We’ve bound our [USA] power to international laws and institutions.”14

Also, the Paris Agreement is a strong arm of the United Nations in which the papacy also has control. They have a direct link through the election of the new Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at the end of 2016. Guterres is a devout Roman Catholic who has very close ties to Francis and Vatican.

Since Papal Rome is set up through the Paris Agreement, Sunday laws will follow first in the US and then around the world to unite the world to the common good as a major solution to deal with the devastating disasters caused by “climate change.”

 Beast Deadly Wound Healed – Revelation 13:3 reveals that the papacy’s wounded head that ended their 1260 reign from 538 to 1798 will be healed and all the world will worship the beast.

The following are some current highlight of events to show how much the papacy’s wounded head has healed: Leaders of many nations and multi billion dollar companies are frequently meeting with the papacy’s first Jesuit pope, Francis, throughout his tenure since 2013. World leaders from superpower countries such as the United States, France, Germany, Canada, Russia, and the United Kingdom have met with Francis. No human leader, religious or state, has that type of demand and worldwide influence as does Francis at this present time. He has been called, “The people’s pope,” “A new world pope,” and “Pope for a new world.”

 World media outlets are picking up on the clues that the papacy wants to lead the world both spiritually and politically. On September 15, 2015 just prior to Pope Francis’ historic visit to the United States, Time magazine had a picture of Francis on it cover holding up a golden monstrance used for mass with the title “New Roman Empire: The global reach of Pope Francis.” Howard Fineman of Huffington Post on September 24, 2015 wrote an article entitled “Pope Wants To Be President Of The World.” Fineman writes that Francis “is running to become president of the planet.” He continues, “Francis is also campaigning to lead the public, secular, political discourse worldwide.”

 The papacy has successfully positioned themselves to be known as world leaders of peace. In September of 2014 “Former Israeli President Shimon Peres has said that Pope Francis is more powerful than the United Nations when it comes to advocating peace.”15

On September 24, 2015 Pope Francis was the first pope to publicly address U.S. Congress lawmakers. He promoted the climate change agenda before the December 2015 talks in Paris. In front of the west end of the U.S. Capital is the Washington Monument which is a very large obelisk. An obelisk is a pagan monument that commemorates sun worship and is often found at the entrances of pagan temples. The U.S. Capital dome and Washington monument obelisk are very similar to the Saint Peter Bascillica’s dome in Vatican with an obelisk in front of them. When Francis was introduced to the Catholic Church as pope, he walked out on the balcony of the Bascillica facing the obelisk. It is not coincidence to mention that after Francis’ address to Congress, the speaker of the house, John Boehner, brought Francis out on the U.S. capital’s balcony facing the Washington Monument to make a public address to a large audience below.16 Also the capital’s balcony that Francis spoke on was right above where U.S. presidents since Ronald Reagan have been inaugurated. Francis’ gesture and position on the balcony reveals his power and position in the United States.

After Francis spoke to U.S. Congress, the next day on September 25, 2015 he addressed the UN General Assembly on their 70th year anniversary. At that time it was the largest gathering of presidents and world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly to hear a pope speak.

The “Iron curtian” of Church and State Comes Down – Revelation 13:11 reveals that the beast with two horns like a lamb will make an image of the beast, apostate Protestants. The United States was founded on religious freedom, the separation of church and state. Prophecy reveals that the U.S. government will merge church and state together in order to make an image of the beast. The beast and the image of the beast will have tremendous power to influence the legislation of Sunday laws.

In 2016 President Barack Obama appointed Thomas J. Reese, a Jesuit priest as the chair over the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. Remember the papacy’s “religious freedom” centers on Sunday sacredness and the Eucharist. They believe that no one is truly free unless they are under the banner of the papacy. The papacy hates the separation of church and state, liberty of conscience. Pope Pius IX in his August 15, 1854 Encyclical calls it “a most pestilential error, a pest of all others.”17

Not long after President Trump’s inauguration as the 45th president of the United States in 2016 he opened up the White House to a score of evangelical apostate protestants as counselors and advisers to him and his administration such as popular TV evangelist Paula White, Kenneth Copeland, Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson, and many others. Trump zealously says that he will give the church its voice back in Washington.

Trump has given the church ability to endorse and support political candidates by striking down the Johnson Amendment in May 2017 by an Executive order without penalties or loss of their non-profit status.

In May 2018 Trump established a faith based office within administration through an Executive order known as the “Establishment of a White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative” which gives church and faith based organizations access to government grant and contract money for various church sponsored community projects.

From July 24 – 26 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hosted the first ever Ministerial Summit on Religious Freedom which was attended by high-level representative from 82 nations around the world and others from Trump’s administration such as Vice President Mike Pence, key adviser Jared Kushner, and U.S. Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley.

 In February 2018 Sam Brownback was appointed by Trump and confirmed as U.S. Ambassador for International Religious Freedom. Brownback converted from an evangelical Protestant to Catholicism in 2002. On July 28, 2018, Crux reported that while speaking at a religious freedom meeting in D.C., Brownback insisted that he sees an “Iron Curtain moment” right around the corner. “It’s like we busted through the gate, we’ve busted the barrier down, but now you’ve got to keep running,” Brownback said. “We just have to keep the pressure up.” The“iron curtain” that Brownback is talking about is the separation between church and state.18

On July 30, 2018 U.S. Attorney General, Jeff Session and the Department of Justice established a “religious liberty task force.” One of their “expert” advisers on “religious liberty” was Archbishop Joseph Kurtz. He was one of the main speakers during the task force’s media public announcement. He says, “At the heart of all the Church’s [Catholic] efforts is a vision that we uphold that serves the common good. We propose this vision with passion for the good of individuals and of the nation, and religious freedom means that we are free to propose this vision.”19

The iron curtain that separated church and state in America has been totally dismantled. To celebrate, on August 27, 2018, Trump had a “State-like” dinner for 100 evangelical pastors that is usually preserved for heads of state. The event was compared to a prayer filled camp meeting. In Trump’s speech he told them “ We are here today to celebrate America's heritage of faith, family and freedom," Trump told the crowd. "As you know in recent years, the government tried to undermine religious freedom but the attacks on communities of faith are over. We've ended it."20

The Protest is Over!” - Revelation 13:4 reveals that those who worship the dragon and the beast will declare “Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make are with him?” In other words, apostate Protestants will declare their protest, or war with the papacy, to be over.

Millions of Christian individuals, denominations, groups, and Protestants, and non-Christian religions and beliefs have been seduced by the Papacy’s aggressive ecumenical movement to unite them as one big worldwide family. As a result many protestant churches in recent years have declared that their “war” or protest against the papacy to be over. Many such as the Lutherans, Methodist, Christian Orthodox and scores of other “evangelical” protestants no longer protest but have embraced Papal Rome.

In 2014 a delegation of popular evangelical churches and leaders such as Kenneth Copeland and James and Betty Robison and others who have a combined reach of over 700 million people worldwide officially declared their protest with Papal Rome was over.21 In 2016 a year leading up to 500th year celebration of Martin Luther’s nailing of the 95 theses outside the church in Wittenburg on October 31, 1517, the majority of protestant denominations around the world have declared that their protest is over with Papal Rome.

Even though the General Conference SDA Church (GC) has not made an official statement that their protest with Papal Rome is over their actions speak louder then any statement. They have participated and led out in ecumenical meetings with the papacy over the years. In October 2016 Ganoune Diop, the Public Affair and Religious Liberty Director of the Adventist went to Vatican along with the Christian World Communions ecumenical group which he chairs.22, 23 They listened to Pope Francis speak and had opportunity to meet with him and take pictures with him.24 Does this look like true protestant activity? No. Instead of protesting against the beast, they have united with the papacy on many fronts by their actions. This is the reason why the papacy as the beast and the mother of Babylon has been eliminated in many Adventist publications such as the “Great Hope” an abridged version of the Great Controversy by Ellen White.

On October 31, 2017, GC SDA president Ted Wilson and other SDA officials met with interfaith leaders from the Lutherans, Pentecostals, Russian Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic, Muslims, and others in Moscow, Russia to celebrate the 500th year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.25 Do you think the papacy would feel comfortable attending an event in which churches were still openly and truly protesting against them? No. To show their acceptance of the papacy, Papal Rome had representatives from Vatican who spoke at the event with warm wishes from Pope Francis. This event was not a true celebration of the Protestant Reformation but a mockery. This event that Wilson participated in was truly an ecumenical movement celebration that was disguised as a 500th year celebration of the Protestant Reformation.

Fire From Heaven – Revelation 13:13, 14 says that the United States, the lamb-like beast will make “fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.”

In Acts 2:1 – 4 on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit appeared to the apostles and about 120 others in the same place as “cloven tongues like as of fire” that “sat upon each of them.” This was the true fire experience represented as the Holy Spirit. At the end of time Satan will mimic this with a false “fire” experience that represents a false holy spirit that comes down from heaven to deceive others by its “miracles.”

Kenneth Copeland, a White House evangelical adviser to President Trump gives him a direct link to the beast with two horns like a lamb that is part of the merger of church and state. This merger unites them as one in “mind and spirit.” In October 2017, Copeland was a key note speaker at an ecumenical gathering of various church denominations, evangelicals, and Catholics in Kansas City, Missouri known as Kairos 2017. During his sermon, he emphatically declares again that the Protestant Reformation was over. Referring to the meeting with Francis in 2014 Copeland continues, “one of the favorite days in my life, was with Pope Francis. What a man. He’s one of my heroes.” Copeland a “proclaimed prophet” said during the sermon, “I just heard the Lord say this just two days ago, 2018 is the year of the Holy Ghost and fire.” He later continues, “The time is now for the unity of the faith.” Near the end of his sermon he made the following proclamation, “I release, by the authority invested in me as a prophet of God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I release the fire of God! Burn the chaff! Burn…”26 After this proclamation many said they felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and that miracles of healing took place. Also, this was done is the sight of men and the beast.27 Many of the papacy’s clergy were present and it was reported that Pope Francis saw Copeland’s sermon and fire proclamation by video.28

 Don’t be surprised to hear about more “fire” proclamations like these along with miracles during this false “holy ghost” revival of Christian unity with the lamb-like beast in America that “speaks as a dragon.” (Revelation 13:11) In addition to this many in this false movement use “fire flame” in their logos to represent the Holy Spirit.

Bison National Symbol – In Revelation 13:11 the United States is depicted as a beast with two horns like a lamb that speaks as a dragon. For centuries, thousands of bison freely roamed in the central plains of the United States. Because of the popularity of the American bison and its two horns as a lamb, it was used as a graphic in many Bible prophecy presentations to represent the United States in Revelation.

On June 20, 1782 the American bald eagle was chosen as the official emblem of the United States. In 2016 President Obama also officially declared the bison to be represented as the United States’ national symbol. Do you think that is by chance? What is God trying to tell us? “Watch and pray” time is coming to an end. Jesus will come and will not tarry.

The recent 2018 massive sexual child abuse scandals and cover up perpetrated by the clergy of the papacy reveals to the world that Papal Rome is still lewd, demonic, and false. It has been that way for over a thousand years and now the world can see the true nature of that “man of sin”, “the son of perdition” revealed as prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3.

In addition to these highlights of current events and fulfilled Bible prophecy there is a steadily increase in wild weather, mega fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, massive animal and marine life deaths by the thousands, and other natural disasters. God declares in Isaiah 24:3, 4 that “The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken this word. The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish.” This “climate change” is not due to global warming, verse 5 says that “the earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.” This is the true cause for “climate change.” That is the reason why the Paris Agreement is a great offense to God because the world government would rather put their trust in the abomination of desolation rather than the truth of God’s Word and His everlasting covenant.

Those who are waiting for the General Conference churches to revive and teach these fast fulfilling prophecies to their congregations are going to be sadly disappointed and lost in a sea of confusion. If you have been studying and watching you can clearly see that the General Conference churches are in very deep apostasy. Sadly, they are not even blushing nor have remorse of their current apostate position. So very sad! But you, my friend, have a personal responsibility to study these things for yourself. Remember the book of life in Heaven are names of individuals, not churches. “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” and “give diligence to make your calling and election sure.” - Mark 13:29 & 2 Peter 1:10.


  1. Crus, Eliel, “I am a Seventh-Gay Adventist,” Huffington Post, September 25, 2012
  2. Wright, Jared, “Makers of "Seventh-Gay Adventists" Say New Film Project Answers the Question, "What Next?", Spectrum Magazine, November 3, 2014.
  4. Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper, “An Understanding of the Biblical View on

Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care,” Voted on October 9, 2015, pgs. 16 - 18

  1. Wright, Jared, “The Seventh-day Adventist Church and Transgender People,” Spectrum Magazine, January 17, 2016.
  2. Wagoner, Gerry, “Gay Men's Chorus Debuts at Palm Springs SDA,” Fulcrum 7, January 18, 2016
  3. Rodgers, Cary, Youtube Video: “EXPOSED! SDA Pastors, Univ Presidents, Prof & Trans Elder pushing LGBT & 7th GAY Adventists!”, Pathway to Peace Ministries, uploaded January 31, 2016
    9. Vidal, John, “Pope Francis’ edict on climate change will anger deniers and US churches,” December 27, 2014, The Guardian
  5. Withnall, Adam, “Pope Francis to issue climate change call to arms for world’s Catholics in measures that will anger Vatican conservatives,” December 28, 2014, The Independent
  6. Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, On Care For Common Home, 2015
  7. McGrath, Matt, “Nations sign historic Paris climate deal,” April 22, 2016, BBC News
  8. Stone, Scott and Luca Bergkamp, attorneys, “The Trojan Horse of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change: How Multi-Level, Non-Hierarchical Goverance Poses a Threat to Constitutional Government,” January 15, 2016
  9. President Obama, 71st Session, UN Assembly, September 20, 2016, Obama White House Archives
  10. “Shimon Peres: Francis is a more powerful peace advocate than UN,” September 4, 2014, Catholic News Service, Catholic Herald
  11. Pergram, Chad, “US Capitol, site of papal address, filled with Catholic symbols,” September 23, 2015, Fox News Politics
  12. Brandt, John, America or Rome: Christ or the Pope, Toledo: The Loyal, 1895, pgs. 416 and 417
  13. Allen Jr, John L., “Brownback sees ‘Iron Curtain moment’ looming on religious freedom,” July 28, 2018, Crux
  14. Larkin, Steve, “Religious liberty ‘rooted in dignity of human person,’ says archbishop,” July 31, 2018, Crux
  15. Smith, Samuel, “White House Hosts 100 Evangelical Leaders for State-Like Dinner: 'This Is Spiritual Warfare',” August 28, 2018, The Christian Post
  16. Mayer, Hal, Kenneth Copeland Visits the Pope,” Keep The Faith Ministries
    22. Mayer, Hal, “Seventh-day Adventists: Surprising Ecumenical Engagement,” November 15, 2016, Keep The Faith Ministries
  17. “Adventist Leader new Secretary-General of the Christian World Communions,” December 2, 2014, EUD News The official news service of the Inter-European Division of Seventh-day Adventist
  18. Address of Francis To Participants In The Conference of Secretaries of “Christian World Communions,” Vatican, Room adjacent to Paul VI Audience Hall, Wednesday, 12 October 2016
  19. Roman, Andy, “Ted Wilson Full Speech at Interfaith Event in Moscow, Russia,” March 28, 2018, Advent Messenger
  20. Mayer, Hal, “Kenneth Copeland Calls down Fire from Heaven,” November 7, 2017, Keep The Faith Ministries
  21. Allen, Ron, “Are We Entering a New Pentecost of Hearing and Understanding?”, November 1, 2017, Charisma Magazine
  22. AD Blog, “Kenneth Copeland Calls for End of the Protestant Reformation,” October 31, 2017, Amazing Discoveries