Youth Force

Messages with tag - parables of jesus

Are You Wise Or Foolish - Parables of Jesus
Duration: 1 hr 7 mins 18 secs
Why five wise and five foolish virgins? Why five? "Are You Wise or Foolish"? Bible study with Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor. Pathway to Peace Ministries #parablesofjesus #wiseorfoolish Powerful conclusion of the parables of Jesus Series. #christobjectlessons
True Grace To Win The Race - Parables of Jesus
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 12 secs
What is the gift of grace and righteousness? What is the "secret" to win the race? Powerful Bible study with Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries #truegrace #wintherace #parablesofjesus
Who Is My Neighbor? - Parables of Jesus Series
Duration: 1 hr 7 mins 47 secs
Who is your neighbor? Who does the good Samaritan represent? Are does the victim represent? Powerful study with Cary Rodgers, Jr. pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. #parablesofjesus #christobjectlessons
WALLS and Mammon of Unrighteous - Parables of Jesus
Duration: 1 hr 23 mins 37 secs
Should you tear down or build up walls? What do walls represent? What is mammon of unrighteousness? Powerful study! "WALLS and Mammon of Unrighteousness" with Cary Rodgers, Jr. pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries #christobjectlessons #parablesofjesus #buildorteardownwalls
Are You Spending God's Talents - Parables of Jesus Series
Duration: 1 hr 9 mins
Talents are not seed. Which store are you spending your talents? Powerful Bible study: Are You Spending God's Talents? with Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor at Pathway to Peace Ministries #parablesofjesus #christobjectlessons #Godstalents
Fired Steward and Rich Man's Surprise - Parables of Jesus Series
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins 8 secs
Who is the steward and why was he fired? Are you on the platform of truth? What was the rich man's surprise? "Fired Steward and Rich Man's Surprise" presented by Cary Rodgers, pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Great study. #richmanandlazarus #firedsteward #parablesofjesus #christobjectlessions
Beware of Leaven and Covetousness - Parables of Jesus Series
Duration: 1 hr 29 mins 53 secs
Who abandons the TRUTH and join the ranks of opposition? What are seven main apostasies currently fulfilled? "Beware of the Leaven & Covetousness" by Cary Rodgers, pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Parables of Jesus Series [Christ Object Lessons]. Deep study! Relevant truth #sevenapostasies #bewareoftheleaven #parablesofjesus
Spiritual Dropsy & The Everlasting Gospel Challenge - Parables of Jesus Series
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins
Is heredity, status, or membership an automatic ticket to Heaven? What is the "swollen" head syndrome? "Spiritual Dropsy & The Everlasting Gospel Challenge" - Parables of Jesus series. Bible Sermon Study with Cary Rodgers, Jr. pastor, Pathway to Peace Ministries. #noautomaticticket #swollenheadcure #gospelchallenge #noexcuses #parablesofjesus
All Leaves, But No Fruit - Parables of Jesus Series
Duration: 1 hr 28 mins 8 secs
What is the parable of the barren fruit? What does it mean? What are end time lessons? "All Leaves But No Fruit" Bible Sermon Study with Cary Rodgers, Jr. pastor, Pathway to Peace Ministries. #allfruitnoleaves #parablesofjesus
Prodigal Gets Out Of Babylonian Pig Pen - Parables of Jesus Series
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins 58 secs
Prodigal Son. Babylon. Pope's End Time View and Pig Pen Husks. Parables of Jesus Series from Christ Object Lessons - Bible Sermon Title:"Prodigal Gets Out Of Babylonian Pig Pen" Cary Rodgers, pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. #prodigalson #christobjectlessons #afatherslove #trueconversion