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Messages with tag - beliefs

TRUE OR FALSE PROPHET? You better know the difference! Gift of Prophecy Restored
Duration: 1 hr 44 mins 42 secs
Mountain of Truth Series: The Gift of Prophecy Restored. Does God still use prophets? Is the gift of prophecy still active in God's church today? What are the tests of a true vs false prophet? Here is the truth. It's study time. Speaker: Cary Rodgers, Pathway to Peace Ministries.
Duration: 1 hr 41 mins 41 secs
There is much talk about climate change. But what about the climate change that has happen in the corporate SDA churches? Of course we are not talking about the weather outside but on the inside? Andrews University latest document on homosexuality plus more. Speaker: Cary Rodgers at Pathway to Peace Ministries
ABOMINATION! Why I Must Rescind My Membership From the Corporate SDA Church
Passage: Isaiah 58:1
Duration: 46 mins 14 secs
I must rescind my membership from the corporate SDA church out of protest. Watch video to find out why? When you see the "abomination of desolation stand in the holy place" run and stay on the mountain of truth. Who going to "cry aloud" and spare not? We must repent and be converted and this open rebellion!