Vegan Cooking Demos

Messages with tag - parables of jesus

Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 41 secs
"Aggressive LOVE" - Parables of Jesus Series. Deep study of the true love of Jesus with Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. What is true love? Is the love of Jesus "conditional" or "unconditional"? Did Jesus have to fulfill a "condition" on the covenant​? #aggressivelove #lostsheep #lostcoin #parablesofjesus #christobjectlessons
Shall Not God Avenge His Own? - Paris Agreement. Mark of the Beast. Sunday law?
Duration: 1 hr 32 mins 15 secs
"Shall Not God Avenge His Own?" - 28 Parables of Jesus Series. Bible sermon study with Cary Rodgers, Jr, pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Avenge Vs. Revenge. Paris Agreement. Mutatis Mutandis and the Mark of the Beast Crisis? International Order enforced. Sunday law coming #avengeorrevenge #parablesofjesus #parisagreement #sundaylaw #christobjectlessons
Asking To Give, Not Asking to Take - 28 Parables of Jesus Series
Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 31 secs
"Asking To Give, Not Asking to Take!" - 28 Parables of Jesus Series. Another powerful Sermon Bible Study by Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Learn how to pray to get results! What is the main purpose of prayer? #askingtogive #powerofprayer #whydoyoupray #howtopray
Hidden Treasures
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins
"Hidden Treasures" sermon by Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Another thought provoking Sermon Bible Study: 28 Parables of Jesus Series to prepare you for the second coming of Jesus. #28parablesofJesus #hiddentreasures #ChristObjectLessons #areyouinthefield
Wheat and Tareism - 'TARErist' Leadership, Do You Stay on that ship?”
Duration: 1 hr 44 mins 51 secs
Bible Sermon Study - very important topic - Wheat & “Tarerism” -'TARErist' Leadership, Do You Stay on that ship?” Cary Rodgers, pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries - Be extremely blessed! Should you stay in a church when the leadership is promoting apostasy and ignoring abominations? Or do you say, "Well, the wheat and tares grow together. So I will stay." What does the Bible and Jesus teach about this?. Let's get BIBLE TRUTH and dispel myths and errors. #wheatandtares #tareristleadership #comeoutofhermypeople
More Lessons From Sowing Seed and Stupid Man
Duration: 1 hr 50 mins 19 secs
"More Seed Lessons and the Stupid Rich Man" sermon by Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Powerful Sermon Bible Study: 28 Parables of Jesus Series to prepare you for the second coming of Jesus. #28parablesofJesus #stupidrichman #ChristObjectLessons #stophoarding
Sower, Seed, and Soil
Duration: 1 hr 34 mins 13 secs
"Sower, Seed, and Soil" sermon by Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace. Deep study on the reason why Jesus used parables and spiritual lessons of the power of the seed: 28 Parables of Jesus Series to prepare you for the second coming of Jesus. #28parablesofJesus #sowerseedsoil #powerofaseed #lawofsowingandreaping #ChristObjectLessons