Duration: 1 hr 7 mins 18 secs
Why five wise and five foolish virgins? Why five? "Are You Wise or Foolish"? Bible study with Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor. Pathway to Peace Ministries #parablesofjesus #wiseorfoolish Powerful conclusion of the parables of Jesus Series. #christobjectlessons
Is heredity, status, or membership an automatic ticket to Heaven? What is the "swollen" head syndrome? "Spiritual Dropsy & The Everlasting Gospel Challenge" - Parables of Jesus series. Bible Sermon Study with Cary Rodgers, Jr. pastor, Pathway to Peace Ministries. #noautomaticticket #swollenheadcure #gospelchallenge #noexcuses #parablesofjesus
"Hidden Treasures" sermon by Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Another thought provoking Sermon Bible Study: 28 Parables of Jesus Series to prepare you for the second coming of Jesus. #28parablesofJesus #hiddentreasures #ChristObjectLessons #areyouinthefield