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Messages with tag - reformation

A True Reformer's Weapons of War - Chapter 8 Great Controversy Series
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 1 sec
Are you a player or soldier? Truth reformers don't fight with guns or tanks. "A True Reformer's Weapons of War" Bible Sermon Study with Cary Rodgers, pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries - Great Controversy Ch 8 #greatcontroversy #martinluther #dietofworms #willnotretract #protestantreformation
Are You A True Reformer? - Huss and Jerome Ch. 6 GC
Duration: 1 hr 26 mins 48 secs
If you find yourself in apostasy, what must take place? What sparks a true revival and reformation? Who are Huss and Jerome? Great Controversy Series Ch. 6 - Are You A True Reformer? Another powerful Bible sermon study with Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. #truerevivalandreformation #hussandjerome #protestantreformation #greatcontroversy.
True Reformation and John Wycliffe - Ch. 5 Great Controversy Series
Duration: 1 hr 27 mins 23 secs
What is true revival and reformation? What sparks a revival? What is the "fruit" of true reformation? Who is John Wycliffe? What was his contribution to the protestant reformation? Why did Papal Rome dig up his bones and burn them? "True Reformation and John Wycliffe" Great Controversy Series - Ch. 5. Bible sermon study with Cary Rodgers, pastor of Pathway to Peace Ministries. Super study. #revivalandreformation #greatcontroversy #johnwycliffe #greatreformer #latintoenglishbible