Music Videos

Messages with tag - inspirational

Are You Wise Or Foolish - Parables of Jesus
Duration: 1 hr 7 mins 18 secs
Why five wise and five foolish virgins? Why five? "Are You Wise or Foolish"? Bible study with Cary Rodgers, Jr., pastor. Pathway to Peace Ministries #parablesofjesus #wiseorfoolish Powerful conclusion of the parables of Jesus Series. #christobjectlessons
Day 22 Lesson 22 Patient Obedient and Faithful
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 41 secs
Day 22 Lesson 22 Patient Obedient and Faithful - Third Angel Message for the Remnant - Bible Prophecy Boot Camp with Cary Rodgers, Jr. pastor or Pathway to Peace Ministries. Great study for the faithful. #bibleprophecybootcamp #markofthebeastt #tencommandments #iamwithyou #bibleprophecy #patience #tribulation
Duration: 4 mins 12 secs
"Marred No More" Written by Elene Rodgers. Music arranged and sung by Carlene Rodgers. Powerful message in song. Copyright 2016. By Pathway to Peace Ministries. #potter #Jesus #restored #planofsalvation
THE CREATION SONG - 7 DAYS - Powerful Music Video
Duration: 6 mins 47 secs
The Creation Song "Lord Create Within Me a Clean heart" - Written by: Elene Rodgers. Arranged and sung by Carlene Rodgers. Copyright 2016. Learn the creation days in order in song. Powerful and fun for the whole family!
Jesus Loves Me - Classic - Harp solo and voice for Jesus!
Duration: 2 mins 33 secs
Jesus Loves Me - Classic. Harp solo and arrangement by Carlene Rodgers and child's voice - Nehemiah Rodgers (7).