Vegan Cooking Demos

Messages with tag - to make

Passage: Genesis 1:29
Duration: 26 mins 40 secs
Cooking Demo with recipes - Mac and Carotene, Candied Yams, Harvest Nut Loaf with BBQ, and Collards. Make soul food that will you and not kill you. Soul food that is great for the body and mind. Soul food that will reverse diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. and cancer. Learn how now and write down the recipes. Pathway to Peace Health Living Cooking Seminar series. Healthy Living Seminars and Cooking classes free every third Sunday at Pathway to Peace Ministries Health Retreat from 3p to 5p. More info at 704-695-1441
Veggie Stir Fry with Tofu and Sweet-Sour Tamarind Sauce
Passage: Genesis 1:29
Duration: 22 mins 58 secs
Do you want to know how to make a delicious veggie stir fry with Tofu and authentic sweet and sour sauce made with tamarind fruit? This cooking demo was done at Pathway to Peace Ministries. Healthy Living and Cooking Seminar. Enjoy. Let's eat and drink to the glory of God!
Indian Tofu Curry and Cilantro Pesto (Blood Detox/Chelation)
Passage: Genesis 1:29
Duration: 19 mins 39 secs
See a demo and recipes of how to make an awesome tofu curry with potatoes and a cilantro pesto that will detox your blood by removing heavy metal out of your body. Very delicious. If you are in NC area you are welcome to come to the monthly plant cooking demos and health seminars free at Pathway to Peace every third Sunday from 3p to 5p. Call 704-465-8504 for more details.
Beet Burgers w/ gravy and Carob Ice Cream Pie, plus more.
Passage: Genesis 1:29
Duration: 43 mins 33 secs
Eat to live for the glory of God. Learn how to prepare food that will heal you such as beet burgers with gravy, a very delicious chocolatey carob pie, bbq okra, regular baked okra, and Italian dressing. Pathway to Peace Health Retreat Health Seminar and Cooking classes free every third Sunday from 3 to 5p. 705-695-1441 for more info.
Yummy Vegetable (Vegan) Lasagna and Ranch Salad Dressing
Passage: Genesis 1:29
Duration: 30 mins 53 secs
Awesome. How to make the best Vegetable Lasagna and Ranch. With recipe. Food that will heal you and not kill you. Pathway to Peace Ministries monthly healthy living seminars every third Sunday at 3p. Free. Join us sometime. Let's eat to the GLORY of God!
Best VEGAN Sweet Potato Pie! BBQ Tofu, Potato Salad, Collard Greens
Passage: Genesis 1:29
Duration: 34 mins 45 secs
Learn how to make the best sweet potato pie (with no eggs, Crisco, butter), BBQ tofu, potato salad, tasty collards. FOOD THAT STRENGTHEN and HEAL THE BODY! NO CHOLESTEROL! Plant based (Vegan) cooking at its BEST at another Pathway to Peace Ministries Vegan Cooking demo. Enjoy and eat your way to an abundant life through Jesus Christ. Eat to the glory of God!