Coronavirus Defense

Written by Pastor Cary Rodgers, Jr.


s flu virus structure SBI 300106153In Matthew 24:7 Jesus says that in the last days there will be pestilences as signs of the world’s desolation and His second coming. Pestilences are diseases that are noncontagious to extremely contagious. As we get closer to the end of time will see an increase in various types of diseases that are fatal to both humans and animals. Satan will use diseases to bring the world’s most populated cities to ruin. - “He imparts to the air a deadly taint, and thousands perish by the pestilence. This is right upon us.” - Ellen White, Great Controversy, p. 590. Those affected the most will be those who live in these cities. It is urgent time now to get out of these crowded places to country homes before it is too late.

There have been deadly pandemics in the past that have killed millions of people around the globe. From the latter part of 2019 to the present winter of 2020, there is great fear that the highly contagious coronavirus that started in Wuhan, China, city with over 11 million people, has the potential to kill millions of people like the Flu Pandemic (1918) that killed between 20 to 50 million people worldwide or the Bubonic plague from 1346 to 1353 that killed between 75 to 200 million people in Europe, Africa, and Asian.1

Wuhan known to be a very active city in the past where products were made for the global market has been greatly halted. A city where the streets are normally packed with traffic and pedestrians is nearly empty with people quarantined within their homes and hospitals.

 As of February 26, 2020, the number of coronavirus infections in mainland China has increased to 78,064 cases and 2,715 deaths. The fatal disease has spread to other regions of the world such as South Korea which has a total of 1,146 cases and 12 deaths; Italy with 323 cases and seven deaths; Japan with 161 cases. Cases are also growing in Singapore, Hong Kong, Iran, USA, Thailand, Taiwan, Austria, Germany, the UK, and many other places.2

The world is on edge. They are worried and fearful of there being another potential great pandemic. The world economies have already been drastically affected by the coronavirus because many factories in China have halted causing a major supply chain jam.

The coronavirus will be followed by more highly contagious viruses and pandemics. If you have not totally embraced the health message and the true medical missionary work without the use of poisonous drugs, now is the time. This is a blessed message for people looking for answers on how to treat and avoid these diseases. The health message is the right arm of the gospel to open up the door of the hearts of millions of people to the third angel’s messages in Revelation chapter 14 and the fourth angel's message of Revelation 18 to come out of Babylon.

As a remnant people living at the end of time, it is time for all of us to step up. We MUST educate others on how to effectively avoid or treat highly contagious diseases like the coronavirus naturally. We need to understand how the immune system works and how to use natural remedies to fight diseases.

Immune system – soldier defense system

The immune system is an amazingly intricate collection of specialized cells, organs, and structures. The mission is to identify and destroy foreign invaders before harm is done to the body. The white blood cells are soldiers in the body that seek and destroy bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and other organisms that are detrimental to the body. There are over 1 trillion white blood cells throughout the body including the blood and lymphatic


Matthew 12:29

29 Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first binds the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.

Our immune system is comparable to that strong man in Matthew 12:29, it will fight for you as long as it is not bound by bad lifestyle habits such as poor nutrition and lack of exercise.

There are four main enemies of the immune system:





What Weakens The Immune System? The answer is found in the acronym FAT CATS.


F = Fatty & highly processed foods: Fat depresses the immune system

A = Anxiety & stress creates an emotional response in the brain, disturbing the chemical balance of neurotransmitters. As a result, certain hormones, (possible cancer promoters) are increased and our immune system is depressed. Stressed out adrenals produce toxic hormones that suppressed the body’s immune system.

T = Toxicity is an unhealthy exposure to poisons that suppress the immune system.


C = Caffeine

A = Alcohol

T = Tobacco

S = Sugar (too much refined sugars)

 ALL sugars depress the immune system. Sugar makes the immune system drunk, weak, and ineffective!

Tsp of sugar per day

Bacteria destroyed by White blood cells











As you can see you MUST get rid of eating all sugars, including raw sugar! But I got good news for you, sugar can be replaced with raw honey. The best raw honey is from a local beekeeper. There are some local supermarkets that also sell raw honey. This is a healthy sweetener that will not harm the body’s immune system but boost it ability to fight against bacteria. Raw honey may cost more than sugar, but you will save much more money by avoiding costly medical bills or funeral costs!

Millions of people get sick during the end of the year holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas because so many sweets full of sugar and fat are excessively eaten. They are eating pounds of sugar by eating cookies, donuts, candies, and chocolates. On top of that, they are drinking literally gallons of soda. As a result, millions of people’s immune systems are extremely weakened and vulnerable to all types of contagious diseases such as the coronavirus.

Boast immune system

Now let’s look at ways to boost the body’s immune system defense that will be able to fight against or avoid the coronavirus, the flu, the common cold, and other pestilences in the last days. God gives us the Biblical principle in Exodus 15:26, “And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.”

In order to benefit from the promise you MUST do what God says and keep all His commandments. God's commandments are His moral and spiritual laws that reveal the standard of righteous living known as the 10 commandments found in Exodus 20:1-17. God also has health laws that govern the body. Anything that goes against the law of the body will cause disease, sickness, and/or pain. God promises you healing from disease if you keep the law of the body that will your vitality and good health.


What will give you the boost your immune system needs is to fully implement the Ten Commandments of health known as an easy-to-remember acronym known as ANEW STARTT on a daily basis.

AAttitude. You must have a Christ-like attitude that empowers you to good physical and spiritual health. Your attitude will determine your success in healing and good.

NNutrition. Eat fruits, nuts, grains, and veggies on a daily basis (see Genesis 2:9 and 3:18). Avoid highly processed foods, fats, sugars, and flesh food. Eat foods that are high in antioxidants that “rust proof” your cells with fruits such as strawberries, plum, oranges, kiwi, apples, pink grapefruit, and bananas. Also veggies such as garlic, kale, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, beets, carrots, corn, and okra.

EExercise at least six days a week for one hour a day. Walking is the best exercise to boast immune system. The one hour can be split up in short intervals throughout the day.

WWater. Drink at least eight 8-ounce cups of water per day. This is extremely important. You can also do hot and cold water treatments in the shower. The cold constricts the vessels while the hot expands them. This action creates a boosted pumping system through the body that promotes healing and an immune boost. While taking a shower start with three minutes of hot water over the whole body and then 30 seconds of cold water. Do this process of hot/cold in intervals of three. End with the cold. Do this while sick until you get well?

SSunshine. Get outdoors and get some sunshine. Sunshine is known to boost the immune system.

TTemperance (self-control) stay away from caffeine, smoking, vaping, and drugs.

AAir. Get plenty of fresh air for the lungs away from city pollution.

RRest. Get a good night's rest of at least eight hours. Also, receive the blessing of God’s weekly seventh-day Sabbath rest from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday (Read Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11).

TTrust in God. Put your faith and trust in God’s Word and promises for healing.

TTell somebody. Share these ten commandments of health with your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

ANEW STARTT will not only boost your immune system but will promote an environment and lifestyle of healthy living that glorifies God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” When we are eating God’s fruits, nuts, grains, and veggies we are eating for the glory of God. Drinking water also glorifies God. If we eat foods that damage the body such as modern corruptible flesh and junk food like candy, donuts, and dairy cheese we eat to the glory of Satan. If we drink soda, coffee, or alcohol, we are also drinking to the glory of Satan.

Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Rub hands with soap vigorously for at least 20 seconds then rinse and dry. Avoid putting your hands in your nose, eyes, or mouth until you wash your hands. Also, avoid crowded places until the virus subsides.

Lemons, raw honey, garlic, and onions are known to fight against viral, bacterial, and fungus infections. When they are mixed together in a blender they make a powerhouse natural remedy that will fight against the coronavirus, the flu, and the common cold.

Simple Recipe: Natural coronavirus, cold and flu remedy rprecipe

1 whole onion

1 whole bulb of garlic (not just a clove)

2 Medium squeezed lemons

4 to 6 ounces of Raw Honey

Blend together and put in a jar. Take 1 teaspoon every one or two hours until well. Storage jar in the refrigerator. Optional: You can dilute each teaspoon with a ¼ cup of water.

This will help if you follow the instructions and take them often. This will break up this mucus in the chest and also get mucus out of your gut. It is not uncommon to throw up this mucus after taking this natural cold remedy. It is also effective to avoid getting sick when others around you have the coronavirus, cold, or flu.




1 Ten Of The Worst Pandemics In History, MPHonline,

2 Coronavirus world meter, FoxNews daily updates,

White, Ellen. The Ministry of Healing. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1905. Print.

White, Ellen. Counsels on Diet and Foods. Wash, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1938. Print.